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Supplement Interactions and Recommendations

In the world of dietary supplements, understanding potential interactions between various products is crucial for ensuring safety and maximizing health benefits. Many individuals incorporate multiple supplements into their daily routines to address specific health concerns, enhance performance, or support overall well-being. However, combining certain supplements can lead to unwanted side effects or diminish the effectiveness of others. The following spreadsheet provides a detailed overview of commonly used supplements and highlights which additional supplements should be avoided if one is already taking a primary supplement.

For instance, if a person is consuming Cod Liver Oil, which is rich in Vitamins A and D, they should be cautious about taking additional Vitamin A or Vitamin D supplements, as excessive intake of these vitamins can lead to toxicity. Similarly, those taking Calcium supplements should be mindful of their Iron intake, as high calcium levels can interfere with iron absorption. This guide serves as a valuable resource for individuals looking to optimize their supplement intake while minimizing risks.

SupplementSupplements to AvoidReason
5-HTPNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Activated CharcoalFat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)May absorb fat-soluble vitamins, reducing their effectiveness.
AshwagandhaNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
AstaxanthinNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
AstragalusNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
BerberineNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
BiotinNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
BromelainNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
CalciumMagnesium, Vitamin D, IronExcess calcium can interfere with magnesium and iron absorption.
ChlorellaNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
ChlorophyllNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
CholineNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
ChromiumNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Coconut OilNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Cod Liver OilVitamin A, Vitamin DHigh in Vitamin A and D; supplementation may exceed recommended limits.
Colloidal SilverNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Conjugated Linoleic AcidNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
CordycepsNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
CreatineNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
DamianaNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
EchinaceaNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Emu OilNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Evening PrimroseNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
FenugreekNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Fish OilNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Folic AcidNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Gamma-Aminobutyric AcidNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
GarlicNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
GingerNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
GinkgoNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
GlucomannanNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
GlutathioneNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Gotu KolaNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Holy BasilNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Horny Goat WeedNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Hyaluronic AcidNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
InositolNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
IodineNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
IronCalcium, ZincHigh doses may interfere with absorption of other minerals.
Krill OilNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
L-ArginineNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
L-CarnitineNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
LecithinNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Lemon BalmNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
LicoriceNoneMay cause hypertension; caution with blood pressure medications.
LuteinNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
MacaNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
MagnesiumCalcium, Vitamin DHigh calcium can affect magnesium absorption.
Maritime PineNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
MelatoninNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
MoringaNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Oolong TeaNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
PhenylalanineNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
PhosphatidylserineNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
PotassiumNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
ProgesteroneNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
PropolisNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Pu-erh TeaNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
QuercetinNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Raspberry KetoneNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
RhodiolaNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Royal JellyNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Saw PalmettoNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
SerrapeptaseNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Slippery ElmNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
TaurineNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Tea Tree OilNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
TribulusNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
ValerianNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Vitamin ANoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Vitamin DCalcium, Vitamin AExcess Vitamin D can lead to toxicity; limit with additional A intake.
Vitamin ENoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Whey ProteinNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
Witch HazelNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
XylitolNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.
YohimbeNoneNo significant interactions with other supplements.


  1. Potential Interactions: This spreadsheet highlights potential interactions or cumulative effects based on common knowledge of supplement interactions. Always consult a healthcare provider before making any changes to your supplement regimen.
  2. Individual Variations: Individual responses to supplements can vary based on personal health conditions, medications, and other factors.
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